
 Best Friends Mix

Smart Playlists
Some of the biggest influences on my musical tastes in my life have been my friends -- there is so much music I first got into because it was played in their cars, at their houses or parties, on trips we took, in movies we saw, or in school together. As such, I find it a lot of fun to add my mates' initials to the comments category of songs that remind me of them, and then play the following playlist ...

Comment - contains - ABC [initials]
Last played - is not in the last - 1 mo.
Limit to - one hour
Selected by - highest rating [or just random]
Live updating

... whenever I'm away and miss that particular person, or alternately, whenever they're over visiting. Putting a Year range can also add a twist, and jog some memories.

Note: also works for ex-girlfriends, though not highly recommended :P

by nyorker on May 05 | 8:01 am

 When did my music become work?

Smart Playlists
With almost 5,000 songs in my database, there are some that get left out. So I made this SPL:

Last Played is not in the last 12 months
Genre is not Books & Spoken
Genre is not Comedy
Genre is not Audiobooks

This grabs all the songs I have never played as well as all the songs I haven't played in over a year... which is 823 songs. I don't have enough time to keep on top of this! Too much data has become a bad thing.

by tuckergperry on May 05 | 8:00 am

 Yet more listening to an entire library

Smart Playlists
I currently have 5,500 tracks from my CD collection ripped. Of these, ~4,500 are things that I want to make sure are part of my normal play rotation. Finding a magic playlist that gives fair play time to all tracks while not neglecting others has been a challenge.

I began with a simple set of assumptions:
- Since it's in my CD collection I at least marginally like the music, so I can give everybody a default "Star" value of 3
- Listening 24/7 it would take me 15 days, 15 hours, 53 minutes to play each track, so whatever rules are used will need to explude a played track for at least 2X that time (since I won't be listening 24x7)
- I will prefer listening to unplayed (or infrequently played) tracks rather than often played tracks
- I will need a fast way to tell iTunes (and my iPod) never to play a track again

My first attempt at a Smart Playlist that will churn my library while keeping in mind my wants/assumptions looked like this:

Last Played is not in the last 1 months
Match only checked songs
Live updating

This would exclude any played track from consideration for one month, would ignore any track that I unchecked, and would take care of managing the list automatically (important since I travel a lot and do not have access to iTunes for weeks at a time).

After one month of heavy use this left me with a queue of songs taht could be considered for playing of ~1,500 tracks. ~100 tracks a day would fall out of the list while another ~100 would come back into the list.

The system was working, except now tracks that had been played one time had 1:1500 chance of being played while a track that had never been played also had a 1:1500 chance. While statistically low for any individual track, as more no longer black-listed tracks fell into the queue the unplayed tracks were increasingly ignored in favor of tracks I had already listened to.

With the release of iTunes 4.5 I can easily weight the playlist in favor of infrequently played (or unplayed) tracks by a simple modification to the existing Smart Playlist (Did this exist in earlier iTunes releases?):

Last Played is not in the last 1 months
Limit to 500 songs selected by Least often played
Match only checked songs
Live updating

Since my normal queue size is ~1,500, this limits that queue to the least played 1:3 of tracks that have not been played in the last month. This will compensate for when frequetly played tracks fall back into the queue since iTunes will now exclude a track played 6 times in favor of a track that has been played 2 times.

With iTunes 4.5's ability to have Smart Playlists refer to other smart playlists I can also being creating refined lists without having to recreate the same set of rules multiple times. Let's call the first Smart Playlist "Churn", blacklist tracks for two weeks, and not limit its size. I have shortened the blacklist period since the way we'll use this queue later we will need a large queue of tracks:

Last Played is not in the last 2 weeks
Match only checked songs
Live updating

I can then create additional playlists like:

Playlist is Churn
Genre does not contain Blues
Genre does not contain Reggae
Limit to 500 songs selected by Least often played
Match only checked songs
Live updating

The Smart Playlist Churn will now blacklist tracks played within the last month and create a queue of tracks ~3,000 in size. This queue is now filtered by this Smart Playlist to exlude Blues and Reggae, and to prefer infrequently played tracks over frequently played tracks.

I can also reuse Churn in other Smart Playlists to make sure that regardless of my listening tastes at this moment I will continue to get tracks that are not overplayed:

Playlist is Churn
Track Number is less than 2
Limit to 10 songs selected by least often played
Match only checked songs
Live updating


Since I have also been refining my song ratings (see my assumptions early on) I can also begin using the nesting capabilities of iTunes 4.5 to favor both infrequently played tracks AND higher rated tracks by running the above filters through an additional stage. Let's take our Blues and Reggae example and call it !BluesReg and increase its size restriction to 1000 (so that it returns a larger queue of tracks for later filters):

Playlist is !BluesReg
Limit to 500 songs selected by highest rated
Match only checked songs
Live updating

Now when this Smart Playlist is used the tracks will run through this filter:

Last played longer than two weeks ago, is not Blues or Reggae, is infrequently played, and is higher rated rather than lower rated.

Given these four tracks:

Venus(Stark)                 **** 15/01/04
Cotton_Fields(Pogues)        ***  28/04/04
Yancey's_Blues(Jimmy Yancey) ***  01/01/04
Low(R.E.M.)                  **   13/02/04

Cotton_Fields(Pogues) will be eliminated since it has been played in the last two weeks, Yancey's_Blues(Jimmy Yancey) will be eliminated since it is in the Blues genre. Venus(Start) and Low(R.E.M.) will make it to the final play queue. If that queue was restricted to only one song then Venus(Stark) would be selected since it is rated higher than Low(R.E.M.).

It is, indeed, time to start outsmarting your music collection.

by DzM on May 04 | 8:00 am

 Concert from your Speakers

Smart Playlists
One thing I like to do occasionally is listen to tracks that are live recordings, either in front of an audience or not, it doesn't matter. To do this, I filter my songs by playing tracks that contain - either in the Artist, Song Name, Album, Comment or Grouping - the words "Acoustic", "Unplugged" or "Live". This, I find, saves me a lot of time going through all the songs on my playlist that aren't pre-recorded. It's like a live concert through your speakers with all your favourite artists! Yay!

by Ryan on May 04 | 8:00 am

 Rating weighting

Smart Playlists
One old standby I (and many others) use is some version of this "Forgotten Favorites":

- Rating - greater than - 2 stars
Sort by - least recently played

... it's a great playlist, but sometimes it gets glutted with mediocre three-star songs (the kind you want to listen to every few songs, not every song) and there aren't any four or five star songs left among your library's 'least recently played.' Thus, the playlist becomes kind of boring.

This can be solved with the new Playlist based on another Playlist variable in v. 4.5. Try the following:

Playlist A:

Rating - is - 3 stars
Limit to 20 songs by - least recently played

Playlist B:

Rating - is greater than - 3 stars
Limit to 30 songs by - least recently played

Then, the meta-playlist (the one that gets played):

Match any:
Playlist - is - Playlist A
Playlist - is - Playlist B
Limit to 50 songs by - random

Voila, now you always get 40% 3-star songs, and 60% 4-5 star songs! Adjust numbers to suit personal taste.

by nyorker on May 03 | 8:00 am

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