
 The Purge (rating systems again)

iTunes Tips
I am very impressed with this site, with the cleverness and complexity of ideas posted. Bravo. I too am an iPod geek.

I have a simple yet effective system for managing my songs (around 6,000) on the go. I use a star system to help me determine what I want to keep, what I need to fix, and what I need to remove.

***** - Great song, no issues
**** - Reserved for special occasions (last year I used four stars to flag any Christmas music I heard while listening to the Ipod)
*** - Great song, issues. Investigate and fix (tagging issue, playback issue)
** - Add to a playlist
* - Delete

With this system I have effectively removed any songs from my Ipod that I don't want, flagged songs that need to be fixed and verified that songs I like are preserved. ITunes for me is more of a front end for my Ipod. I occasionally use it for listening, but for the most part, it is a management device.

by tunnellb on Aug 30 | 8:00 am


Rating system again!?!? Why I aughta!


Seriously, sorry if this doesn't add anything. I hadn't seen any other posts on my initial view about using rating systems, and I have had to introduce the concept to so many Ipod users I felt obligated to share.

by tunnellb on Aug 31 | 1:45 pm

cool! i use a similar system using the ratings. although i do wish the ipod had some other sort of interactive notation system while listening to tracks.

by groovinkim on Sep 14 | 4:23 pm

I've updated my ratings now that I have more songs than my iPod will hold :-).

* Fix, tag, or investigate (for damaged songs)
** Not (iPod)worthy (uncheck in iTunes)
*** Average (Default)
**** Above Average (20% of songs or less)
***** Outstanding (10% of songs or less)

Then I have an "iPod Selection" which is kept in sync with the device:

My Rating is not * +
My Rating is not **
Limit to 19.0 GB
Match only checked Songs
Live Updating

In iTunes, I also have a Fix Me:
My Rating is *
Live Updating

by Sys Admn on Sep 15 | 10:05 pm

I am thinking about modifying my rating system to use only 2-4 as my active core ratings...as follows:

1 - Fix or Delete
2 - Never on IPOD, Rare Listen
3 - The Bulk - OK on IPOD, Listen Often
4 - The Best - Favorite Songs about 30% probably
5 - Current Favorites - If I were a radio station, the "current playlist"

The concept is that as I hear songs on the IPOD or iTUNES that I haven't heard and want to hear often for awhile, I would re-rate them 5...as I tire of them, I would drop them back to 3 or 4, giving me an easy way to make dynamic changes to my listening either off the IPOD or iTunes. I find that 4-5 doesn't do that much for me, and I go thru cycles where I want to hear a lot of a song or artist, then have them fall back into the mix.


by Denrael on Nov 28 | 3:52 pm

I never feel bad adding another *bump* to the ratings system threads.

by dfbills on Mar 14 | 3:40 pm

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