
 Randomize a Manual Playlist on the iPod?

I'm sorry if the answer for this has been posted already, but I can't find it.

I'm a long-time PC iTunes user and I finally got my first iPod (40gb Photo). I use Smart Playlists regularly, but when I go to the gym, I have a set 30 or so songs that I've placed into a Manual Playlist that I'd like to listen to at random.

In iTunes, I just start playing that Manual Playlist and then click the convenient Shuffle Button. Does iPod have this ability? How do I get the iPod to play the 30 songs in this Manual Playlist at random?

by on Mar 10, 05 | 9:28 am


Just choose shuffle from the main menu of your ipod. If you don't see it there, make sure to download and install the latest ipod update from apple:


by dfbills on Mar 10, 05 | 5:25 pm

a) Shuffle the playlist in iTunes, then sync with iPod,


b) Set iPod to shuffle on playback (somewhere in settings menu)

Drawback of a) is that you have to re-shuffle the playlist in iTunes anytime you want a different order. Drawback of b) is that shuffle is global for the iPod, which means you have to turn shuffle off again whenever you want to listen in order.



by Jeez on Mar 11, 05 | 3:07 am

Thank you both for your answers.

This site is SOO useful!

by on Mar 11, 05 | 7:16 am

...OR you could make a Smartlist that looks like this:

Playlist - Is - 30 songs for the gym
Limit to - 30 songs - selected by random

It will then take all the songs in your playlist and randomize them. Sure, you would have two playlists. I do this sometimes, and when I do I call the manual list "X-30 for the gym" or "X-albumtracks" or something so that they are hidden away below all the playlists I really use.

by Olf on Mar 16, 05 | 10:56 am

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