Managing a huge library
I have a library of nearly 5,000 songs, so I have come up with a pretty good way of organizing everything.
I have an SPL called "Good Music". It has songs rated from *-*****, thats how I rate my music. Anything I like gets a rating based on how much I like it, and I set that SPL to Party Shuffle. Problem is, when theres only 600 songs in the playlist and you listen to iTunes and your iPod for hours a day, music begins to get repetitive.
I created a new SPL for songs whos play count is 0, and now have that set to play in Party Shuffle. This lets me do 2 things. 1 is to listen to music that I have pretty much completley ignored. The second thing it lets me do is add a rating to it. I have Synergy set up for keyboard shortcuts, so whatever I'm doing on my Mac, if I like a song, I just hit a few keys to rate it. It gets added to my Good Music SPL so when I listen to that list, its not as repetitive.
Then my last SPL is simple. It just takes songs from my Good Music SPL and limits it to 700MB randomly. I have an MP3 CD player in my car, so I can just burn songs I like to a CD, throw it in my car's CD player and play it in shuffle mode and have hours of music for driving. Its like my own commercial free radio station. When I get sick of that CD, I just have iTunes re-generate 700MB more worth of songs and burn that.
by yg17 on Mar 12 | 8:00 am
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Chris Henley: Try this guy out. He has some great stuff. http://ott ...
Chris Henley: IS this site still running? ...
Elizabeth: Now, is there a program that will put these lyrics on your Ipod? That would be genius... :D ...
Sara S: Ah, I see your point now, especially with the running example. About the only workaround there would be to make ...
vaughnn: Sara, Thank you again for your consideration! ...
vaughnn: Good question Sara! I (usually) don't listen to the iPod with it in my pocket and little ear buds plugged into ...
Sara S: I don't think you're really reading what I wrote. Maybe I'm not explaining myself well. I didn't adovcate creating a single ...
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Having the MP3-cd player in the car sounds great. It seems like a great convenient idea. Kudos to you for getting so much good use out of it.
I too like to mix in the unplayed with the old faves. My system's ratings are more primitive; I only have three and four stars, pretty much. Then I have an 8-hour SPL of the four-star stuff, a 2-hour SPL of the three-star stuff, and a 5-hour SPL of the new stuff. When I check the boxes of just the songs in those playlists, they get combined in my 'master' PL, which includes any song that's checked.
The 8:2:5 ratio gives me a pretty satisfactory listening mix; there are some clunkers, but usually never 2 in a row. And some new stuff, but again, having so many of the songs I like makes it pretty certain I won't get stuck in a rut of crummy tunes.
The whole playlist comes out to around 700-800 MB, depending on how the songs are encoded.