
 Differentiating between ripped tracks and downloaded tracks?

Does anybody have a good scheme for differentiating between tracks that are ripped from one's own cd collection and tracks that were downloaded off the internet? I have considered adding a comment to all of the songs that are of my rips. Perhaps a symbol like "(o)" ... sorta looks like a cd, but the pain with this is manually adding this to all the tracks that I already have commented.

Anyone have any better ideas?

by jimbolla on Jan 24, 05 | 4:02 pm


I add: "dfbills cd collection" to the comments of all of my personal ripped cds.

Similarly, I add the source of all other files. ie-

from jschwalje
from stnmtn

Makes it easy to figure out where stuff came from and to create smartplaylists. (Try college years from your own collection.)

by dfbills on Feb 10, 05 | 12:14 am

My theory is, if I'm adding downloaded tracks, they are singles. If I'm ripping CDs, they are full CDs.

So, if they are singles, I don't care what album they come from. I identify all of my singles with the albumname ZS (so that it will sort to the bottom of my list). This also allows me to play all of my singles in a certain genre without making new playlists. (Browse / Genre / Album / ZS)

by thenightfly42 on Feb 10, 05 | 12:47 pm

I like all the one hot wonders near top of tracks. I label the album ':'
Downloaded tracks from itunes are .:.
Keeps em near top.

by dmk5n on Feb 10, 05 | 7:07 pm

If you are using Exact Audio Copy (if not then why not?!) then it will by default insert "Exact Audio Copy" in the comment tag. You can set this written value to be whatever you want and then use this with an SPL to differentiate.

by Kenny on Feb 11, 05 | 8:13 am

If you are using Exact Audio Copy (if not then why not?!) then it will by default insert "Exact Audio Copy" in the comment tag. You can set this written value to be whatever you want and then use this with an SPL to differentiate.

by Kenny on Feb 11, 05 | 8:14 am

Oh, and if you are using a Mac, you should get the Applescript "Append to Selected Tag" (http://www.malcolmadams.com/itunes/scripts/scripts09.php?page=1#appendtoselectedtag).

"Append the same user-entered text to the beginning or ending of the existing text in the chosen tag (Song Name, Artist, Album, Composer, or Comments) in each selected track."

Doesn't destroy the current information in your tags; very very useful.

by thenightfly42 on Feb 11, 05 | 9:31 am

That append to selected tag applescript looks like exactly what I need. Unfortunately all my music is stored on my Windows 2000 PC, not my iBook. But thanks anyway-- I am sure it will come in useful some day.

by synecdoche on Feb 13, 05 | 3:51 am

Since I burn all of my own music (CDs) at 160kbps, and download from iTunes at 128, I would use bit rate to differentiate between the two. . . . .

by Scott on Feb 14, 05 | 4:08 pm

I rip my tracks as AACs, but most downloaded tracks are still MP3s. So you can use that, too.

by jingle on Feb 24, 05 | 7:01 pm

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