
 No iPod? Fill a CD-RW

Smart Playlists
I don't have the money for an iPod yet, but wanted rewritable mobility. Enter Maxell's 80 minute CD-RW's, which work fine in my factory stereo. This playlist gets the job ready for me before I leave. Just delete the songs and let live updating make a new cd for you everytime.

My Rating is greater than 3 stars.
Genre is not Sound Effects
Limit to 79 minutes selected by random

I found that if you put 80 minutes, sometimes iTunes reports that it won't fit on the CD. Use the Genre restrictors if there are other types of music you don't like listening to while driving.

by Nafai on Apr 20 | 8:00 am

 Yet Another Unrated Playlist

Smart Playlists
After importing 3000+ songs from my cd collection, I needed a way to rate the music. Everyone's got their own solution, but to me, most either required too much user intervention, or made playlists of ridiculous sizes.

For the purpose of rating, I don't care much what I listen to, since I'm going to have to listen to it all anyway, but rather, how long I have to listen to unrated music.

My Rating is 0 Stars
Limit to 2 Hours selected at Random

Every morning I load up that playlist and spend the first two hours of the day using Beverage Software's ratings bar to rate it as it plays. Doesn't require any intervention by me to make the morning's playlist, and I don't have to have the iTunes window open, or fiddle with the dock icon.

by Nafai on Apr 18 | 8:00 am

 Not Getting Enough Play

Smart Playlists
Okay, I've realized that I have lots of favorite 3-5 rated songs that are just not getting enough play. So here's how I'm making sure they're getting some play for now on:

Match the following conditions:

Play count is less than 2
My rating is greater than 2
Limit to 25 minutes selected by random

I use the time limit because I typically listen a set of songs for about an hour while I work. If I limit to 25 songs, I might not make it through the list. My goal is to get beyond listening to the same old favorite songs all the time. With the live update, I'm constantly getting new songs that don't get enough play.


by amani on Apr 08 | 8:00 am

 High School Radio

Smart Playlists
Here's my contribution...

Create a Smart Playlist:

Year is less than "1986"
Year is greater than "1900"
Genre is not "Holiday"...
Comment contains "radio"

This is yet another smart playlist that requires some work on your part (and some mental exercise!) as you have to add "radio" to your comment tags on all songs that were part of radio rotation "back in the day". Obviously, change the "Year less than" to the year after you graduated from high school, college, or any point in your life and it's like you're listening to your favorite radio station when you were younger!

I'd like to perfect this by adding more weight to the songs that actually fall in the "Year is less than" year, but I don't think there's a way to do that.

by network 23 on Apr 06 | 2:49 pm

 Getting Your Money's Worth

Smart Playlists
For those of you with a collection of music from the iTunes Music Store, perhaps you feel you don't get your money's worth by not listening to your purchased music enough. For you I offer this:

To Get Your Money's Worth:

Type is Protected AAC audio file
Last played is not in the last 3 days 
(or whatever frequency you want it to be)

Optional addition:
Play count is less than x 
(if you only want to cycle this music for so long)
Date added is within the last 1 month 
(again, however long you may want to cycle the music)

by Taco John on Apr 04 | 1:01 pm

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