Most of us use keywords as they're vital in creating clever and useful smart playlists. I think it's time to get onto Apple en masse to ask for a proper keywords system. Following is my feedback on this matter.
"I've just used keywords in iPhoto 4 for the first time. I didn't use them in iPhoto 2, so I'm not sure if it worked the same way, but I'm impressed with how easily one can add, assign and search for keywords on photos.
"Many people use the Comments field in iTunes to store keywords. This is cumbersome and I would prefer just to use it to store information such as copyright, web page of the author, etc. How about including an iPhoto-style keywords system to iTunes? It would have to be available in smart playlists, eg. Keyword --> is/contains/etc. --> [keyword]."
I agree! Espescially when it comes to Classical music.
by dave on Mar 09 | 12:00 am
This very issue lead me to this website. I forgot about the keyword system in iPhoto. It would be helpful if Apple added this system to iTunes, as I would like to build smart playlists based on keywords in the track info (comments), and currently managing multiple keywords on a track-by-track basis is a laborious task.
I'm following the Apple iTunes Feedback link that you posted, and I am submitting our request with a link to this discussion.
Thank you.
Toronto, Canada
by smartplayer on Oct 11 | 12:56 pm
Hello again.
Look at what i found:
It's a program that adds keywords to the Comments field in iTunes, and it even preserves existing comments.
I agree! Espescially when it comes to Classical music.