On a recent road trip a friend asked if I had any music by women. I realized I had no easy way to access any of it without drilling down into individual artists or albums.
So I created this...
I put a "@+" in the Comments field of all the music I had featuring a woman/women artists or that was composed by a woman/women.
The "@+" resembles the symbol for "female" on its side and yet is unlikely to be in the Comments field otherwise.
I now have several SPLs built around this idea.
Such as:
Women Rock
Match all:
Comment contains @+
Genre is Rock
101.5 KWOM
Playlist is 101.5 KPOD
(see the great SPL by that name here
on SmartPlaylists.com)
Comment contains @+
(In fact I have more than 1400 songs by women, _not_ counting women who fronted great bands like Blondie, The Pretenders or Jefferson Airplane! Do I have any music by women? Indeed!)