You need both AND and OR options, but you can't do that in one step. So, you can have PlaylistA, which is "MATCH = ANY artist = atb artist = deepest blue artist = jamiroquai" Then create PlaylistB, which is "MATCH = ALL Playlist = PlaylistA time > 2:00" (I think you need iTunes 4.5 or higher for this. It was a recent change.)
Not sure this works perfectly but I'll give it a go, thanks
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You need both AND and OR options, but you can't do that in one step.
So, you can have PlaylistA, which is "MATCH = ANY
artist = atb
artist = deepest blue
artist = jamiroquai"
Then create PlaylistB, which is
Playlist = PlaylistA
time > 2:00"
(I think you need iTunes 4.5 or higher for this. It was a recent change.)