This is a real basic list that I like alot. Although I use the ratings and other methods to create lists, I find that iTunes will tend to overplay certain songs in random mode. Thus when I'm listening to random tracks in my library, I like this playlist:
I do this all the time, because I have a tendency (like most people, I bet) to listen to the same playlists and tracks over and over again. Eventually I'd discover a track or two I didn't even know I had. I have a bunch of what I call Unheard playlists, customized for various genres--techno, jazz, classical, random--and even specific artists.
Then, when I run out of things I haven't listened to in a particular category, I just change the name to Heard It Once and change the criterion to Playcount Is 1.
by pyramus on Nov 30 | 5:16 pm
Good idea. I used to have this playlist, but it would consitently come up with over 2300 songs not yet listened to! This is far too many to scroll through or face.
I've now made 3 new playlists that randomly find songs never played. If I'm diligent in using these, I'll eventually make my way through all those songs, or at least get them down to an amount that would make this playlist viable.
I do this all the time, because I have a tendency (like most people, I bet) to listen to the same playlists and tracks over and over again. Eventually I'd discover a track or two I didn't even know I had. I have a bunch of what I call Unheard playlists, customized for various genres--techno, jazz, classical, random--and even specific artists.
Then, when I run out of things I haven't listened to in a particular category, I just change the name to Heard It Once and change the criterion to Playcount Is 1.