A brief update on Apple's MacWorld product announcements:
iPod Shuffle $99 512MB
$150 1GB
No display
size of a flash drive
smaller and lighter than a pack of gum
(Looks like smartplaylists would be handy here!)
MacMini A real mac $500
6.5 x 6.5 x 2.0 "
2.9 lbs
1.2GHz G4
Combo Drive
Firewire 400/USB 2.0
(No excuses from the windows users now...)
New iLife '05:
iPhoto 5
has subfolders
supports RAW
$0.29 prints
new book formats including soft cover
manages camera movies too
iMovie HD
does HD
Magic iMovie (some sort of auto-edit)
iDVD 5 new themes
new animations
more flexible
GarageBand 2.0 orchestral instruments jam pack
8 track recording
real time music notation
pitch & time fixing
vocal transformer
iTunes No major version update
(This is typical of the past few years- we would like to see 5.0 though)
Apple did release 4.7.1 on the web to fix a security issue and add support for iPod Shuffle.
Final Cut HD Express adds HD to low cost suite
iWork Package Pages- word processor (more like a page layout program)
Keynote 2
Tiger 10.4 will ship in the first half of 2005.
A Motorola phone was shown with an "iTunes client" software
Certainly not an Apple product, but a familiar interface.
By the way, the new iPod ad song is called "Jerk It Out" by the Caesars.