Refresh Smart Playlists Using AppleScript
Let's say that you have a bunch of smart playlists that choose a certain number of random songs of a given genre (or grouping) from your iTunes library. Let's also say that these are synched with your iPod, and thus you would like to automatically refresh those smart playlists, say, once a week so you always have fresh music on yer 'pod. Just set this AS to run once a week using, for example, `crontab` in Terminal:
set playlist_list to {"names", "of", "smart", "playlists", "to", "refresh"}
tell application "iTunes"
repeat with the_playlist in playlist_list
delete (tracks in (first playlist whose name is the_playlist))
end repeat
end tell
For more information, visit this thread on Apple's iTunes discussion page: "refresh smart playlists?"
by ek on May 25 | 8:00 am