Regular Backups of Music
Apple has posted a document: "iTunes: How to Use a Smart Playlist to Make Regular Backups of Your Music."
If you have an optical drive that can burn a CD or DVD, you can make regular backups of your music files.
To make an initial backup of all of your music files, follow the steps outlined in technical document 93033, "iTunes 4: How to Back Up Music".
Once you have backed up all of your existing music, take note of the date and time you completed the backup and then continue with the following steps.
Create a playlist of music you've added since your last backup:
1. Open iTunes.
2. From the File menu, choose New Smart Playlist.
3. Configure the Smart Playlist so that it includes all songs with a Date Added that is after the date of your last backup.
4. Click OK.
5. Name the Smart Playlist something like "Backup Playlist".
Burn a backup disc of all the files you have added since your last backup
1. Open iTunes.
2. Open iTunes Preferences.
-Mac OS X: From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences.
-Windows: From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
3. Click Burning.
4. Click Data CD or DVD
5. Click OK.
6. Select Backup Playlist in the Source list.
7. Click Burn Disc.
8. Insert a blank disc. If you have added more songs since your last backup than can fit on one disc, iTunes can burn them onto two or more discs.
9. When iTunes finishes burning the disc, eject it and write the current date on it.
Next time you do a backup
1. Open iTunes
2. Select the "Backup Playlist" in the Source list.
3. From the Edit menu, choose Edit Smart Playlist.
4. Change the date to the date you wrote on your last backup disc and repeat steps 1 through 9 above.
by dfbills on Nov 20 | 12:23 am
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r: Since installing 5.0, I can no longer manually add songs to my iPod. Anyone having similar problems? Any ...
Dan Hassler-Forest: I'm running iTunes on a Mac. I'll look and see what happens when I update the iPod software. ...
armandg: forgot other questionable words: whether and where ...
Mike D: I have had the same issue. I tried the "alarm playlist" solution and that seemed to fix the problem ...
synecdoche: I haven't had any problems with the new one yet, for what it is worth, though it did the whole ...
Dan Hassler-Forest: Since updating to iTunes 5.0, somehow the application has started copying every single track that was played since the last ...
chromo: thanks for the info! after thinking about it a little i went ahead and bought a nano. (basically i'm leaving it ...
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They got the order wrong.
Following Step B.9., you should immediately do Steps C.2. through C.4., so that you don't have to remember the date of your last backup.
By doing this, the "backup playlist" will be ready to go for the next time you do a backup. You can even periodically monitor the size of the backup playlist to see if it will come close to filling your CD (or other media) without wasted blank space.
Immediately after you complete the first playlist-style backup, set the date in the Smart Playlist to either today or tomorrow.