My Playlist System
For what it's worth, here's how I organize my playlists:
1) Current playlists include the following. (Many of these gleaned from SmartPlaylists.com!) The ":" in the first few SPLs brings these playlists to the top of the display, so I can find them quickly - -
: iPod Shuffle
: Kid's Playlist (comment contains 'Kid's Name')
: New Music Store
: (New Album(s)) - makes new purchases / loads easy to find.
: Current Favorite Group
Other playlists:
Acoustic (comment contains 'Acoustic')
Acoustic-Slow (BPM < 3; I use a BPM 1-5 scale, 1 = very slow, 5 = very fast)
Acoustic-Faves (4 or 5 stars)
Acoustic-Slow (BPM=1,2)
Acoustic-Medium (BPM=3)
All '70's (comment contains '70's)
All '80's (comment contains '80's)
Alternative (I like to have Genre playlists -- makes music easier to find)
Beatles '62-'66
Beatles '67-'70
Bedspins (my former band. Any songs on our play set get flagged with comment = 'Bedspins')
Costello-B-sides (all the 'bonus disc' stuff from the Rhino re-releases)
Forgotten Faves
Jazz-Instrumental (comment does not contain 'vocal')
Love - Pop
Love - Rock
Mellow Mix (BPM is <= 2)
Ray Charles - Slow (BPM = 2)
Ray Charles - Med / Fast (BPM >= 3)
Recent Faves
Recently Added
Top 25
Women in Rock (comment contains '@+')
@ Needs BPM (no BPM)
@ Rate / Delete (no rating or just 1-star)
2) Comments field can be very useful in further defining your music. I use '70's', '80's', 'Live', 'Vocal', 'Acoustic', and '@+' (female lead singer and / or band)
3) BPM is very helpful to segment your music into slow, medium, fast. I use a 1-5 scale, 1=very slow, 3=medium, 5=very fast / intense
4) Finally, I tried "Radio Station" playlists (SPLs that reference other SPLs) but was frustrated by the lack of auto-refreshing on the iPod. To get around this, most of my playlists above are constructed as one-hour long with "Not Played in the Last ___ Days / Weeks Months". So, each of these SPLs auto-refresh on the iPod.
I dump these one-hour long SPLs together in On-The-Go to suit my mood. (For example, I might combine "All '80's" with "Recently Added" with "Forgotten Faves"). Advantage is, if I change my mind during the day when I can't synch to iTunes, I simply clear the On-The-Go and start again.
by Scott on Aug 05 | 8:00 am
Ultimate Playlist
I was trying to find the perfect mixed playlist... the kind you want to put on and just leave on shuffle for hours. Obviously, like many people, I have more 4-star than 5-star songs, more 3-star than 4-star, and so on. I also have a lot of 2 and 3-star songs I haven't listened to yet.
First I made a "Starting Point" playlist that excluded Classical, Opera, Audiobooks, etc. - any genres I don't want popping up in random playlists. I also exclude albums I've labelled under the grouping field as "Full-Album", albums you want to listen to end-to-end, not have mixed into random lists. Songs longer than 12 minutes are also excluded. Finally, I also excluded 3 bands who I have a LOT more music of than other artists - everyone probably has a couple artists like this.
I then made nine playlists, the first six selecting only from this "Starting Point" playlist.
5-star songs
not heard in the last 3 days.
This comes to about 12 hours
4-star songs not heard in the last 7 days
limited to 12 hours
selected by least recently played
3-star songs
not heard in the last 14 days
limited to 3 hours
selected by least recently played
3-star songs
with Play Count=0
limited to 3 hours
selected by random
2-star songs
not heard in the last 28 days
limited to 1 hour
selected by least recently played
2-star songs
with Play Count=0
limited to 1 hour
selected by random
The seventh, eighth and ninth playlists do not select from the "Starting Point" playlist. Instead, each selects an hour's worth of 3-5 star tracks from the 3 artists I excluded earlier, selected by least recently played.
My master playlist (which is the only one of these that I actually sync to my iPod) combines these 9 playlists.
My final playlist is about 34% 5-star, 34% 4-star, 17% 3-star (split between unheard and least recently heard tracks), 6% 2-star (split like 3-star), and 9% out of my favourite 3 artists. The music I like the most is refreshed most rapidly, the music I like the least won't be heard more than once a month.
by dharmabum on Aug 04 | 8:00 am
Chris Henley: Try this guy out. He has some great stuff. http://ott ...
Chris Henley: IS this site still running? ...
Elizabeth: Now, is there a program that will put these lyrics on your Ipod? That would be genius... :D ...
Sara S: Ah, I see your point now, especially with the running example. About the only workaround there would be to make ...
vaughnn: Sara, Thank you again for your consideration! ...
vaughnn: Good question Sara! I (usually) don't listen to the iPod with it in my pocket and little ear buds plugged into ...
Sara S: I don't think you're really reading what I wrote. Maybe I'm not explaining myself well. I didn't adovcate creating a single ...
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