
 Keeping It All In Sync (Playcount, My Rating, etc)

iTunes Tips

Using manual iPod update, Playcount and My Rating (i.e.) will not be synchronized between iPod and iTunes.

To fix this problem, you can use synchronization BUT...

Using synchronization of your entire collection sometimes doesn't work (because of the limited iPod capacity).

To fix this, you can synchronize a selection of playlists BUT...

Using synchronization (of a selection of playlists) will not allow you to create Smart Playlist for your iPod music in particular.

What I did, is as follows:

1) Create an iTunes Manual Playlist "iPod Music" where you (manually put all the music to be synchronized with your iPod).
2) Create as many Smart Playlists (for iPod music) as you like, all starting with: "Playlist is 'iPod Music'", so that the queries will only affect the music on your iPod.
3) Synchronize the "iPod Music" playlist and all Smart Playlists based on iPod music.

You are now be able to:

- easily (manually) add/remove music from your iPod, by adding/removing from the "iPod Music" Playlist.
- keep My Rating and Play Count synchronized between iTunes and iPod.
- have Smart Playlists based on iPod Music.

This is also a great oppurtunity for older (1st gen) iPod users using playlists based on My Rating and Play Count.

by iLove iPod, iDo on Jan 14 | 8:00 am

 No AIFF or Apple Lossless Playback for iPod Shuffle

iPod Tips
You might want to filter out AIFF & Apple Lossless in playlists designed for your iPod Shuffle.

Match all
Kind is not AIFF
Kind Type is not Apple Lossless

You'll avoid the warning dialog.

(I still haven't gotten around to removing the handful of mp2's in my collection- remember those?)

by dfbills on Jan 13 | 12:57 am

 iPod Shuffle Offers New Loading Option!

The new iPod Shuffle offers a new loading option. "Autofill" allows you to push a button and have iTunes pick songs in order or at random to fill your iPod Shuffle.

This works like a combination of the Party Shuffle and the "my iPod can't hold all my music, please fill it for me" feature.

The option only appears when an iPod Shuffle is connected.

by dfbills on Jan 12 | 12:39 am

 MacWorld Product Announcements!

A brief update on Apple's MacWorld product announcements:

iPod Shuffle
$99 512MB
$150 1GB
No display
size of a flash drive
smaller and lighter than a pack of gum
(Looks like smartplaylists would be handy here!)

A real mac
6.5 x 6.5 x 2.0 "
2.9 lbs
1.2GHz G4
Combo Drive
Firewire 400/USB 2.0
(No excuses from the windows users now...)

New iLife '05:

iPhoto 5
has subfolders
supports RAW
$0.29 prints
new book formats including soft cover
manages camera movies too

iMovie HD
does HD
Magic iMovie (some sort of auto-edit)

iDVD 5
new themes
new animations
more flexible

GarageBand 2.0
orchestral instruments jam pack
8 track recording
real time music notation
pitch & time fixing
vocal transformer

No major version update
(This is typical of the past few years- we would like to see 5.0 though)
Apple did release 4.7.1 on the web to fix a security issue and add support for iPod Shuffle.

Final Cut HD Express
adds HD to low cost suite

iWork Package
Pages- word processor (more like a page layout program)
Keynote 2

Tiger 10.4
will ship in the first half of 2005.

A Motorola phone was shown with an "iTunes client" software
Certainly not an Apple product, but a familiar interface.

By the way, the new iPod ad song is called "Jerk It Out" by the Caesars.

by dfbills on Jan 11 | 4:24 pm

 Random Genre CD's

Smart Playlists
So, not having an iPod, but having a huge library, I like to have mix cd's in the car. When I can, I like to make them so they flow just fine. However, lately I've been letting iTunes do it so I get a fresh approach. This is the smart playlist solution I've come up with for doing 'genre mixes' with my favorite songs:

Playlist #1:

Genre -> is -> Rock
My Rating -> Is greater than -> ***
Limit to -> 77 -> Minutes -> Selected by -> Random

Name this playlist: "CD Rock Mix 1"

That's all well & good, but when I want to make another Random Rock CD & I do not want any of the songs from the first mix, I do this:

Playlist #2:

Playlist -> is not -> CD Rock Mix 1
Genre -> is -> Rock
My Rating -> Is greater than -> ***
Limit to -> 77 -> Minutes -> Selected by -> Random

Name this: "CD Rock Mix 2"

This way, I can continue to make mixes in the Rock genre that will not have the same songs in them. Each time I make a new playlist, I just be sure to select "Playlist is not..." and include all the other playlists.

by healy on Jan 09 | 11:14 am

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