I know there's a plug-in for Macs, but is there any way for a Windows iTunes user to look at a song's lyrics from within iTunes? It's a pain to have to go out to the web to look them up every time the song comes on.
I can't figure out why one cannot paste lyrics into the comments box. That capability seems like a no-brainer.
I have some Smart Playlist and when I go to play them my list of songs is shown and of course it starts at the beginning of my song list. I am tried of hearing these same few songs start my play. Is there anyway to get that first pick to be random?
Hi all, Please help. i have created a playlist for all the stand-alone songs in my library, i.e. tracks that do not have an album. These may be just songs I like alot but not enough to buy the entire album. I created this playlist by entering the words "stand-alone" in the Comments Field Tag.
However, this playlist is only visible in my library and not on my ipod. The Playlist on my ipod is empty!
Please help.
iTunes doesn't increment the play count value when someone listens to your playlist across a network - but I share my own playlists across a network, so this is really annoying me!
Doesn anyone know of an app which will keep track of the music I listen to via a shared playlist - perhaps exporting it to a text file?
On full album DJ remix projects like The Grey Album or The Double Black Album...
Who do you tag as the artist?
A.) Jay Z?
B.) Jay Z and Beatles/Metallica?
C.) DJ only (listing the other 2 artists in the comment field perhaps)
D.) DJ & both artists he mixed all listed in artist field.
I tend to think C is the cleanest but am interested in what others do in similar situations.
Also in the 2 examples given what does the genre become? :O
P.S.- Please feel free to also drop names other other similar quality full album remix projects I love to expand the range of my ears.
I've commented all of my playlists with information about when I purchased the album/song in question. What I want to do now is make a SmartPlaylist that contains nothing other than this (so I can work on adding further comments for other SmartPlaylists).
Is there any way to do this? I'm using iTunes in Win2K.
I'd like to know if there is a way to automate the selection of playlists in reference to the time of the day: For example: tunes from playlist A should be played back only between 8 and 10 in the morning, tunes from playlist B should be played back from 10 until 11:30, and so on.
Thank you for help.
Say I've loaded up 20 songs to play in the 'on the go' playlist. On a whim, I decide I'd like to hear one of those songs (or a song that hasnt been selected yet) as the very next song, after what is currently playing - then let the plylist continue as scheduled. Is there a way to do this and how?