
 Genre Mix

Smart Playlists
If, like myself, you have many different genres of music on itunes, but are sick or hearing only 1 or 2 of ur largest genres all the time, this playlist creates an even mix of all your genres
1st, create one playlist for each genre which would look something as follows:

genre -> is -> rock
last played -> is not in the last -> 8 weeks
my rating -> is greater than -> 2 stars
limit to 20 songs
live updating

i name all of these Z-G-Rock; the Z to bring it to the bottom, the G to signify which master playlist this relates to (genre) and rock to tell me more info.
after making one of these for each genre, sumtimes with slight modifications depending on the number of songs you may have for that genre, i created the master playlist from all of these like this:

Match Any of the following conditions
Playlist -> is -> Z-G-Rock
Playlist -> is -> Z-G-Techno
Playlist -> is -> Acid Jazz
Playlist -> is -> Funk

and so on...

by genEric on Dec 01 | 12:44 pm

 I love women

Smart Playlists
On a recent road trip a friend asked if I had any music by women. I realized I had no easy way to access any of it without drilling down into individual artists or albums.
So I created this...

I put a "@+" in the Comments field of all the music I had featuring a woman/women artists or that was composed by a woman/women.

The "@+" resembles the symbol for "female" on its side and yet is unlikely to be in the Comments field otherwise.

I now have several SPLs built around this idea.

Such as:

Women Rock

Match all:
Comment contains @+
Genre is Rock

101.5 KWOM

Playlist is 101.5 KPOD 
  (see the great SPL by that name here
    on SmartPlaylists.com)
Comment contains @+

(In fact I have more than 1400 songs by women, _not_ counting women who fronted great bands like Blondie, The Pretenders or Jefferson Airplane! Do I have any music by women? Indeed!)

by Crimson on Nov 14 | 1:05 am

 Daily Specials for CD

Smart Playlists
I don't have an AUX input on my car stereo for the iPod, so I have to burn CD's to listen to in the car.

Here is my Playlist to do that:

Match all:

Last Played is in the last 1 days

-- This makes sure something new is in the playlist
    every day.

My Rating is greater than 3 stars

Play Count is greater than 1

-- Make sure the rating wasn't a spur of the
   moment thing

Time is greater than 1:20

-- Get rid of those annoying filler tracks

Genre is not Comedy

-- I want music only

Genre is not Classical

-- And I want to rock out while on the road

Limit to 79 minutes selected by random

-- Length of a CD

Match only checked songs

Live updating

Now, I can burn a new CD every day and have it be different than the day before and offer a good random selection.

Note: The random aspect of this will break down if you just listen to an album, so you need another good randomizer playlist to listen to with iTunes/iPod. I find a modified version of the "iPod Personal Radio Station" playlist to be an excellent way to do this.

by Damaged on Nov 13 | 8:00 am

 reconsider too high or too low

Smart Playlists
so, I've rated most of my library, but some of the songs either I rated too long ago and my opinion has changed, or they were mis-rated in the first place, so I have 2 spl's for this

1: too high?

rating is more than 3
last played is not in the last month
play count less than 2

2: too low?

rating is less than 4
playlist is top 100 most played

by Leil Cardoza on Oct 20 | 8:00 am

 Autumn Playlist. . .

Smart Playlists
Try this Autumn Smart Playlist:

Song name > contains > Red
Song name > contains > Orange
Song name > contains > Yellow
Song name > contains > Green
Song name > contains > Indigo
Song name > contains > Purple
Song name > contains > Gold
Song name > contains > Autumn
Song name > contains > Leaves

An interesting playlist for those Fall walks and drives. . . .

by Scott on Oct 14 | 8:00 am

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