
 Play Sequence Using Comments

iTunes Tips
I can relate to the random sequence "challenge" of iTunes (etc.) discussed in the NYT article. Here's an example of how I've overcome the challenge: I have a Playlist called "Quiet Jazz." Most of the songs are either female or male vocals with a smattering of instrumentals. Using the random feature, iTunes will play several female vocals in a row, for instance, which I don't like. My solution was to use Comments to enter a play sequence number -- 01 to XX -- for each song, after I edited the Playlist to a play sequence of something like female vocalist/male vocalist/instrumental. I order the songs within this Playlist by sequence number (Comments). This is similar to radio-station programming. It's more time-consuming up front, but it avoids funky stuff caused by the random feature. I realize this approach is also static, but I get around, to some extent, by using a different starting song each time I start the Playlist.

by Roley on Aug 31 | 8:00 am

 The Purge (rating systems again)

iTunes Tips
I am very impressed with this site, with the cleverness and complexity of ideas posted. Bravo. I too am an iPod geek.

I have a simple yet effective system for managing my songs (around 6,000) on the go. I use a star system to help me determine what I want to keep, what I need to fix, and what I need to remove.

***** - Great song, no issues
**** - Reserved for special occasions (last year I used four stars to flag any Christmas music I heard while listening to the Ipod)
*** - Great song, issues. Investigate and fix (tagging issue, playback issue)
** - Add to a playlist
* - Delete

With this system I have effectively removed any songs from my Ipod that I don't want, flagged songs that need to be fixed and verified that songs I like are preserved. ITunes for me is more of a front end for my Ipod. I occasionally use it for listening, but for the most part, it is a management device.

by tunnellb on Aug 30 | 8:00 am

 A to Z

iTunes Tips
This isn't a Smart Playlist but I still think it's an okay idea:

Choose one song from all the songs by artists starting with 'A' and put it in a new normal playlist. Add a song from all the songs by artists starting with 'B' and so on through the whole alphabet. Make them as diverse or as similar as you like (eg. Rock songs A to Z). Alternatively, you could choose songs that have the letter 'A' in the title, 'B', etc.

by chocolatelolly on Aug 29 | 2:43 am

 Welcome New York Times Readers

As many, many people have pointed out- SmartPlaylists.com has been mentioned in the New York Times today.

Thanks to all who've contributed over the past year. You've made this the number one destination for smart playlist discussion and information. We've come a long way since our "Hot Sites" mention in USA Today nearly a year ago.

That said, "Welcome New York Times readers!" Feel free to browse around. Please be sure to register and contribute if you like what you see. There's a whole world of possibilities beyond the simple iPod shuffle. (And many of those possibilities are not only watching what you listen to, but do have a mind of their own!)

-David F. Bills

by dfbills on Aug 26 | 11:00 pm

 Simple iPod Rating System

iPod Tips
Give every track a rating of three and stick it on your ipod. If, while wandering around town, a track sticks out as good, that will prompt you to increase the rating. If a track sticks out as bad, then you'll notice it and lower the rating. Any song that you don't really notice as bad or great is most likely middle of the road...and stays a three.

hmm...it sounded a bit more clever before i wrote it down. anyway...it works for me.

by k:ponto on Aug 26 | 8:00 am

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