
 "Reconsider" Playlist

Smart Playlists
This is a good one after you think you have your library rated the way you like it, but imagine there may be a couple hundred songs hiding in your 3 star list that need to be "reconsidered" as 4 or 5 stars.

Create a playlist:

Rating is 3 stars 
 (or whatever the bulk of your music is listed as)

Last played is in the last 3 weeks 
 (or whatever, something recent)

Limit to 100 songs by most often played

This creates of list of your middle-of-the-roads that you have been listening to more than you think and should probably move up in rating.

You can also introduce a minimum number of playcounts.

Can use same rationale and analyze the higher rated songs, instead looking for least played in a long amount of time (3 months+), creating a list of those that you probably keep skipping past and should downrate.

by Lionworks on Sep 16 | 8:00 pm

 Seldom Salad

Smart Playlists
When I'm not listening to new music, I often want to hear songs that I haven't heard in a while. But if I just sort my Library by "Last Played," I hear those songs in the same order that I heard them last time... which gets a bit repetitive. I want to hear the tracks I haven't listened to in a while, but in a semi-randomized fashion. I came up with the following Smart Playlist:

limit to 34 songs selected by "least recently played"
live updating

I then sort this playlist by Song Name, and put it on repeat. 34 is the number of songs that will show in my iTunes window with no scroll bar. As soon as a song is played, it disappears and another one shows up.

Ironically, this results in a more "random" experience than if I turned on Shuffle. Why? Because Shuffle only randomizes the existing playlist once. Any new songs added to that playlist after that come in at the bottom, and stay in that order until you re-randomize the playlist. As each "least recently played" song is added, they'll come in at the bottom and eventually I'll be listening to the songs in the same order I heard them previously.

Instead, I keep the list alphabetized. When a new song is added, it comes in somewhere in the alphabet -- either before or after the currently playing song. In effect, this gathers the 34 "least recently played" songs and scatters or tosses them around the playlist. That's why I call the playlist "Seldom Salad."

by on Sep 16 | 8:00 am


Smart Playlists
I have this smart playlist for all my single b-sides.

Album contains (Single)
Track number is not 1

by Richardx on Sep 15 | 8:00 am

 Grouping your single tracks

iTunes Tips
Most of the time, I only import the songs I like from an album and not the whole CD.

To keep the number of "albums" I have down, I type in "Singles" as the album title in the tracks that aren't in a whole album in my iTunes library. That way, I can see which full albums I have and the number of albums I have is correct.

by chocolatelolly on Sep 08 | 12:41 pm


Smart Playlists
Try a spiritual playlist:

Song name contains -> Faith

Try: faithful, energy, god, love, pray, prayer, angel, Jesus, Buddha, joy, Christ, whole,church, sanctury, centered, worship, etc.

This is really great if you have a lot of Bluegrass - you'd be amazed how many Bluegrass songs contain these words in the title. Also, there are lots of songs that contain these words n the title that aren't spiritual specifically, kinda cool.

My list was very interesting to say the least!

Good Luck!

by spears on Sep 08 | 8:00 am

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