
 reconsider too high or too low

Smart Playlists
so, I've rated most of my library, but some of the songs either I rated too long ago and my opinion has changed, or they were mis-rated in the first place, so I have 2 spl's for this

1: too high?

rating is more than 3
last played is not in the last month
play count less than 2

2: too low?

rating is less than 4
playlist is top 100 most played

by Leil Cardoza on Oct 20 | 8:00 am

 Autumn Playlist. . .

Smart Playlists
Try this Autumn Smart Playlist:

Song name > contains > Red
Song name > contains > Orange
Song name > contains > Yellow
Song name > contains > Green
Song name > contains > Indigo
Song name > contains > Purple
Song name > contains > Gold
Song name > contains > Autumn
Song name > contains > Leaves

An interesting playlist for those Fall walks and drives. . . .

by Scott on Oct 14 | 8:00 am

 Acoustic (guitar) mix

iTunes Tips
As I really enjoy the sound of an acoustic guitar (stumming and / or picking), I try to flag such songs with the comment 'Acoustic' in iTunes.

I have a smart playlist to pick up all of these songs ("Comment contains 'Acoustic'"). It's a nice mix - - some Beatles, James Taylor, R.E.M., folk, country, etc. The playlist seems pretty coherent due to the common instrument. You can also refine this playlist to include "3-stars or greater", etc...

Makes for a nice, somewhat varied, mix. . .

by Scott on Oct 14 | 8:00 am

 101.5 KPOD

Smart Playlists
Instead of a playlist that delivers a completely arbitrary mix of tunes from anywhere and everywhere in my library, which I've grown tired of, with this one I set out to create an SPL that behaves much more like radio programming in three important ways:

1) It maintains a strong, but not exclusive, focus on new, recently added/recently rated music -- just like my favorite radio stations, which play 'what's hot' more often than 'all-time greats.' (I already have a bunch of rating-based playlists that do the latter.) But it still has the ability to deliver old favorites every so often, too.

2) It repeats songs a number of times, then discards them and puts new songs in those slots. I like this because it facilitates the memorization of songs and singalong-ability (again, especially but not only newly added music). More common playlists like those based on 'least recently played' don't do this, because after you hear a song -- new or old -- it could disappear for months.

3) There's a higher likelihood of hearing songs by the same artists, off the same album, near each other -- because in real life, artists release an album and, again, become 'hot' and their various new singles more frequently played.

Make all three SPLs, play the first:

101.5 KPOD: Match ANY

Playlist is SPL1
Playlist is SPL2
Limit to 1500MB by random

SPL1: Match ALL

My rating is greater than 3 stars
Play count is less than 5
Limit to 900MB by most recently added

SPL2: Match ALL

My rating is in the range 2-3 stars
Play count is less than 4
Limit to 600MB by most recently added


This SPL starts out playing almost purely new music (newly rated, that is), but it evolves: as each song reaches the specified playcount and 'graduates,' as it were, other songs will accede and replace them. The SPL thus walks backward through your library, but always captures new music, too.

I started out with this SPL right after changing HDs and resetting play counts, so it might be desirable to reset all playcounts, or else change the numbers above on the 'Play count is less than' variable. In any case, set that variable to whatever you want, however long you want a certain song to stick.

Fix the ratings and proportions to whatever you want. If you don't wanna hear 2-star songs at all, for instance, don't specify that.

KPOD can be used as a template for customizable genre- or year-based 'stations': for instance, just add a line (to both SPL1 and 2) like 'Genre contains Punk' for KPOD Punk, or 'Year is in the range 1980-1989' for KPOD Eighties. In such cases, though, you might want to reduce the size of the SPLs.

I chose the number '101.5' because I like SPLs that start with the number 1 -- they appear near the top of my list -- and 1.5 = 1.5GB, the SPL total size that worked best for my library (approx. 5000 rated songs).

by nyorker on Oct 05 | 8:00 am

 Remix Mix

Smart Playlists
For zonking out to all those remixes I collected during the 80s:

match any of the following conditions:
Song Name contains "remix"
Song Name contains "mix)"

The latter condition is to include remixes that have names of their own, such as "the big beat mix." The parenthesis works to exclude songs that actually have "mix" in their titles, like the Cars' "All Mixed Up." This only works, of course, because I've assiduously tagged all the remixes properly!

by on Sep 17 | 8:00 pm

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