
 Movie time

Smart Playlists
As a big-time movie nut, I have a fairly large soundtrack collection, which becomes even more fun by mixing it up on my iPod. A smart playlist that auto-selects tracks with genre set to 'Soundtrack' is therefore obvious. But in order to make movie music time even more fun and surprising, I've added a 'movie' tag to the Comments field for tracks from other CDs (pop, rock, folk, classical) that feature prominently in movies: everything from Simon & Garfunkel's 'Mrs. Robinson' to Bach's 'Toccata and Fugue'. I've also given 'movie' tags to the tracks from concert CD's that were also well-known films (such as Woodstock, The Last Waltz, Stop Making Sense). Therefore:

Match any of the following components:
Genre is Soundtrack
Comment contains movie
Live updating (on)

It's movie time! Enjoy.

by Dr. Strangelove on Dec 07 | 8:00 am

 Lyric Sample

Smart Playlists
To enhance theme-specific playlists, add a small sample of the song's lyrics to the Comments.

by dragon on Dec 06 | 8:00 am

 Top 20 lists

Smart Playlists
I hope nobody's posted this. I don't remember having seen it.

With my old 1G iPod, I used to have ten playlists called Top 20; the first one had the twenty most-played songs, the second had the next batch of twenty, and so on. The first one was easy (uncheck the "Match the following condition" box and set the next criterion to "Limit to 20 Songs chosen by Most Played"), but the rest had to be done manually, by tabulating the play counts of the next twenty songs and inserting those values into (Play Count is between 15 and 19) or whatever the numbers were.

My 4G iPod has new categories, and one of them is Playlist, which makes automatically generating sequential Top 20 lists a piece of cake. The first list is the same as the first one above; give it a name like "1st Top 20". To generate the second one, use the same criteria, but check the "Match the following condition" box and set the condition to "Playlist is not '1st Top 20'". This will give you a new playlist of the twenty most-played songs that aren't the actual top 20--the second half of the top 40, if you like. You can repeat this as often as you like; the third list will have two conditions, "Playlist is not '1st Top 20'" and "Playlist is not '2nd Top 20'", and so on.

And since they're Smart Playlists, songs will constantly be juggling themselves in and out of the various lists, particularly if you frequently do what I do and put one song on repeat play for half an hour or so.

by pyramus on Dec 06 | 8:00 am

 My kid's SPL

Smart Playlists
Match any of the following:

Genre is "Children's Music"
Genre is "Disney"
Comment contains "[Kid's name]"
Limit to one hour by Least Recently Played

The "Comment" allows me to capture other music that my child may be interested in at the time. At present (don't ask me why) this list includes Seal, Elvis Presley, and They Might Be Giants! The "Least Recently Played" condition allows me to enjoy some variety while listening to my child's tunes. . .

by Scott on Dec 05 | 8:00 am

 Classical Ratings

iTunes Tips
iTunes' star system of ratings isn't the best fit for classical music. I suggest that Apple add a new column to view options that uses symbols to rate the moods of a piece of music. I saw this sort of rating used in Jeremy Nicolas' book, "The Classical FM Guide to Good Music."

For each piece that he reviews he assigns one or more symbols: a trumpet for celebratory music, a heart for romantic music, a tear drop for sad music, a sun/cloud for relaxing music, a candle for inspirational music, and a champagne bottle for another category (I forget which). Similar symbol ratings could apply to popular music. Apple could offer a more extended set of symbols from which the user could select those that are most relevant to his iTunes collection. Let me know what you think.

dfbills adds: You could easily accomplish this with keywords, but it is an interesting concept

by ravin on Dec 04 | 8:00 am

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