
 Clear unwanted comments

Smart Playlists
Do you have a lot of music you've acquired that has comment tags that you don't use or don't want?

I have enough of an idea on the sorts of things for which I use my comments tag. Things like: record label, a 'cover' designation for song covers, genres, etc.

Assuming you have some clear logic (prefixing Genre designations in the comments tag with genre:<name>, for instance). you can build this nifty smart playlist:

Match ALL the following conditions:

Comment - IS NOT - <blank>
Comment - DOES NOT CONTAIN - genre
Comment - DOES NOT CONTAIN - cover
Comment - DOES NOT CONTAIN - label

Add to this any others that follow your comment logic. Mine is a rather long list of conditions. (In fact, I learned that the window will grow too big for your screen, requiring additional comments to be inserted at the top!)

Anyway, once this is complete, you can easily select this playlist. Then select all the tracks and get info on them to edit the tags. Then, with one mass edit action, blank out the comment tag by simply checking the tag and not entering any comments.

Result: 'clean' tags!

by momerath on Oct 15 | 11:09 am

 Use a Comment Tag to subdivide genres

Smart Playlists
I find one Genre Tag to be limiting on certain kinds of music. Take the Housemartin's Excellent 'London 0 Hull 4' album which could be considered Rock, Pop interspersed with some Gospel music.

I will use the comment tag to cover additional genres and build my genre based playlists this way:

Match ANY of the following conditions:

Genre - CONTAINS - Celtic
Comment - CONTAINS - Celtic

Why CONTAINS for the genre instead of IS ?

Well, I have added some genres to break down large sections of my collection. My Celtic music is categorized in the following genre's:


and so on. The same for some of my classical music and other genres.

by momerath on Oct 15 | 11:05 am

 Avoiding your Child's music

Smart Playlists
I'm not a fan of listening to some tracks I've got on my computer for my 4 year old. Nor am I fan of listening to Christmas music through most of the year. Thus:

Match: ALL of the following conditions:

Genre - IS NOT - Children
Genre - IS NOT - Holiday
Comment - DOES NOT CONTAIN - Christmas
Album - DOES NOT CONTAIN - Christmas

The first two conditions weed out properly tagged music. The last two weed out any exceptions which may have turned up.

by momerath on Oct 15 | 11:01 am

 Never Played Songs

Smart Playlists
This is a real basic list that I like alot. Although I use the ratings and other methods to create lists, I find that iTunes will tend to overplay certain songs in random mode. Thus when I'm listening to random tracks in my library, I like this playlist:

Match: playcount - IS - 0

by momerath on Oct 15 | 10:59 am

 Using Genre or Comments to divide "his and hers" tracks

Smart Playlists
My wife and I use the same computer (and log-in) at our home and have some similar and some differing musical tastes. We initially used Star Rating to divide each of our favorites (three for her, two for me), but that was cumbersome and did not allow for using the star-rating as intended.

Then, I found with a comma a song can have multiple genres! So, we could each add ",HisFavorites" or ",HerFavorites" to a genre and use this smart playlist:

Genre - Contains - HisFavorites

What's really cool is that you can then make a smart playlist consisting of the two playlists common songs (good for that road trip!):

Genre - Contains - HisFavorites 
Genre - Contains - HerFavorites

Nate adds: Or if you like to preserve your Genre tags, try simple and cleaner approach by adding a unique Comment Tag.

Comment - Contains - HisFavorites

or the compromise 'road trip' mix...

Comment - Contains - HisFavorites
Comment - Contains - HerFavorites

by StoneMtn on Oct 14 | 12:05 pm

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