The goal of the smartplaylist is to have the Ultimate Shuffle Mix. This Shuffle Mix will:
A.) never play songs I don't like
B.) occasionally play songs that I kinda like
C.) majority of the time will play songs that I do like.
This is quite long as it involves making 3 "filter" playlists to create the final playlist. Please bear with me...
* I absolutely LOVE listening to my music in Shuffle Mode
* All of my songs are rated (with exception to Unrated & Defective songs)
* I like to hear my 2-Star songs once in a while but not nearly as other songs.
* 4-Star songs also include my current "Songs of the Moment" (i.e. new songs the on radio stations).
* I don't overplay my 5-Star songs.
My Rating Philosophy:
0 Stars = still needs to be rated; defective song.
1 Star = if I heard it on the radio, I'd change the station immediately.
2 Stars = I'd listen to it if there was nothing better on the other stations.
3 Stars = I wouldn't mind listening to it.
4 Stars = I'd like to listen to these songs more often than others.
5 Stars = I'd tell everyone in the car to shut up so I can listen to the whole song.
Ω Archive
This is my filter playlist which contains songs that I hardly (if ever) listen to at all. Notice the omega sign (Ω) in the playlist name. This is to "bump" the playlist to the bottom since all playlists are listed in alphabetical order.
Match ANY of the following conditions:
My Rating is *
Genre contains Christmas
Genre is Showtunes
Genre is Theme
Genre is Humor
Genre is iTrip
Playlist is Unrated / Defects
Ω Random 2 Stars [50]
This playlist will limit to 50 songs that are rated 2-Stars.
Match ALL of the following conditions:
Playlist is not Archive
My Rating is **
Limit to 50 songs selected by random
Ω Random 3+ Stars [All]
This playlist will contain all songs that are rated 3-Stars of higher.
Match ALL of the following conditions:
Playlist is not Archive
My Rating is greater than **
.: Shuffle Mode
This is the main playlist that puts it all together. Notice how its entitled with a period and colon (.:). This is to "bump" the playlist to the top.
Match ANY of the following conditions:
Playlist is Random 2 Stars
Playlist is Random 3+ Stars
And you're done!!
Final Tips:
* leave this playlist sorted by Date Added. This way its easy to find your newest songs.
* listen to this playlist in Party Shuffle in iTunes (or Shuffle Mode on your iPod).
* if you have an iPod Shuffle, use this playlist with the AutoFill function.