
 Apple Releases iTunes 4.8

Apple has just released iTunes 4.8. New features include:

- support for transferring contacts and calendars from your computer to your iPod (requires Mac OS X version 10.4 on your computer)

- support for playing and organizing videos

- full screen video playback

- ability to sell videos as well as songs

- icon indicators for media type (pdf or video)

- security patch

by dfbills on May 09 | 11:10 pm


No luck on updating smart playlists on the iPod, I imagine.

by talking_animal on May 10 | 12:21 pm

i wish they would make it do Any and All's in one smartlist. like if you wanted to get the best of 3 different bands, you would do ANY of the bands and they ALL have to be < 3. oh well.

by crave10 on May 12 | 2:24 pm

why cant we add songs to 'on the go' from the now playing instead of backing out and manually finding the song?

This helps with songs that need to be re categorized or deleted.

by MR on May 16 | 1:49 pm

I'm still using iTunes 4.6 (neglected to upgrade to 4.7). Anyone have any experience going directly from 4.6 - 4.8? Any problems folks have run into?


by Scott on May 16 | 3:52 pm

Yep, i also didn't grab iTunes 4.7.
No upgrading troubles whatsoever.

by genEric on May 16 | 4:26 pm

MR, if you make a smart playlist in iTunes limited to five songs, sorted by most recently played, that playlist will update dynamically on the iPod and show you the last five songs it's played.

Then, to add the now-playing song to on-the-go, you just wait until the song is over (or scrub to the end), and open that "5 latest" playlist, scroll down to the song, and click the center button.

by talking_animal on May 17 | 6:19 pm

warning! I updated to 4.8 and within 2 days my Ipod was dead. Luckily it was still under the year warranty so I got a new one. Then after spending hours uploading my songs, 2 days later the new one died as well (the same death--total failure of the ipod to be able to find the drive--bad noises ensue and the geniuses don't understand it.) So on a hunch, I cleaned itunes off my computer and re-installed 4.7 for my third ipod. a week plus later and it's still going strong. Apparently not all updates are a good thing.

by specialmg on May 24 | 6:07 pm

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