
 Microsoft PlaysForSure- definitely not.

iPod Tips
I'd seen the Microsoft PlaysForSure logo and website and hadn't thought too much about it. The program just seemed like a standard BS Microsoft initiative until I thought about thousands of consumers seeing this logo in retail settings.

PlaysForSure does not work on the iPod!

That's right! PlaysForSure doesn't work on the world's most popular digital music player. The only thing that's sure about these files and players is that they are sure not to play well with iTunes and the iPod.


by dfbills on Mar 31 | 3:54 pm


lol well duh. Just as iTunes Music Store songs do not play on any other player. All a bit wrong really, see this news article: here

by webbunny on Apr 11 | 4:30 pm

True, but they don't have a logo that states that it plays for sure on all devices.

by dfbills on Apr 12 | 2:26 am

"True, but they don't have a logo that states that it plays for sure on all devices."

"Plays for sure" just means the songs play on any device with the same "plays for sure" logo. If you're gonna bash it, at least find out what it means first.

by sploo22 on Apr 16 | 8:51 am

sploo: I know that, but does your average joe? Think about it, man.

by dfbills on Apr 16 | 2:42 pm

I've started using only the mp3 format. I understand that the other formats may have some good qualities, but if 100% portability isn't one of those qualities, I don't want to expend time or money on that format.

In 1983 I worked in a record store, and had to break the news to people from time to time that they no longer made 8-tracks. These were inevitably people who hadn't bought any music in several years, and were really excited about buying their first new music in quite a while, and their faces were so, so sad when I told them that 8-tracks were obsolete.

I predict that people that buy "Plays for sure" music will be in for that same kind of heartbreak.

by davepmiller on Apr 17 | 5:49 pm

Unfortunately I think most of these formats are destined for the trash bit heap. The only true future proof format is a lossless codec because you'll be able to convert to whatever comes next.

by dfbills on Apr 18 | 9:36 am

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