
 Easy Album Art

iTunes Tips
iTunes's album cover art function sure is cool - too bad it's such a hassle to find the art itself.

Well, hassles are now extinct. With this download (link at the bottom of this post), all you need to do is play the song for which you want the art and then open the program you downloaded, The Big Picture X. It will then open an internet browser, go to amazon.com, look up your album, get the largest (and therefore highest resolution) cover photo available, and download it for you.

Make sure that you have the album's name filled out in the song's Get Info box in iTunes before opening The Big Picture, otherwise it won't work.

Here's the download link:

by on Oct 09 | 9:46 pm


I've found also, the "Fetch Art" program, an applescript that you can initiate from INSIDE iTunes works pretty well. You can find Fetch Art via VersionTracker at: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/19933

I've also uncovered an applescript which searches for art via Google's image search. It, too, does prety well. Beteween these two, I can usually track down artwork -- even for the more obscure items in my library. I can't remember, however, where I stumbled across the Google Applescript :(

by momerath on Oct 20 | 1:21 pm

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