
 Great iTunes Utility

iTunes Tips
The PERFECT compliment to oh-so-close-to-perfect iTunes is a little program called Synergy.

It costs $5 or a 30 day trial is available for free, and gives you: an iTunes remote in the menubar (unobtrusive and yet always visible!), assignable "hotkeys" for all of iTunes' functions (including song rating, volume adjustment, play/pause, next, and previous) and even a nifty Quartz-powered "floater" - think of it as the little popup of song info at the beginning of a music video, only with album cover art.

Also, for every hotkey, there's visual feedback in the style of OSX's volume adjustment or eject visuals. (You know, that transparent grey box with the white symbol in it.)

It's one of the best things I’ve done with $5 recently...

Synergy Website

by on Oct 09 | 9:18 pm


Great! Want to provide us with a link to it?

by hondo77 on Oct 10 | 3:32 pm

I'll add it in:


I bought this app several months ago after using another free app quoted in this article.

Synergy adds album artwork, which I prefer.

by dfbills on Oct 10 | 4:09 pm

Synergy is awesome. I have my F1-F5 keys set to rates songs from 1-5 stars, it's awesome, no matter what I'm doing on my powerbook, I can just hit one of those keys and it'll rate the song, none of this silly opening up iTunes or clicking on the dock menu.

Synergy rules!

by on Dec 04 | 5:45 pm

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