
 .:. randomizer

Smart Playlists
I wanted a quick selection of 50 tracks, culled randomly from my 5000+ collection, but I didn't want the list to ever get stale. That's why I created the randomizer smartplaylist (I added a ".:." prefix, so this list is always #1 on my iPod).

Create a Smart Playlist:

Match all conditions
Last played - is not in the last - 15 days
Play count - is less than - 5
Limit to 50 songs - selected by - least recently added
Match only check songs
Live updating

by pgant on Oct 09 | 4:46 pm


This brings up a question which crystalized when I read your tip. Does iPod have and utilize all the info like last played, when added, etc. even tho it's not displayed or do you have to resynch to have your playlist update?

by mdtoipod on Jan 22 | 4:43 am

If you enable the ability to manage playlists (as opposed to managing in manual mode), the iPod syncs and resets itself everytime it is plugged into iTunes. To be clear, it is iTunes--not iPod--that manages playlists. There are two criteria in my randomizer smartlist to help keep things fresh and in rotation:

- Last played - is not in the last - 15 days
- Play count - is less than - 5

That should do the trick.

by pgant on Jan 25 | 12:40 pm

Sorry I'm a bit new to all this but I only really listen to stuff through my ipod. When I synch with iTunes will the fact that I have listened to a particular song be recognised by iTunes? I can obviously rate songs on the iPod and this info synches accross but is this true of other info?


by chris on Mar 17 | 8:49 am

>>"will the fact that I have listened to a particular song be recognised by iTunes"

Yes. Once you resync your iPod with iTunes, the column called "Last played" will indicate the songs that you just played on your iPod. It will also keep a cumulative tally of the number of times that a song has been played by both iTunes and the iPod (which is handy if you don't want to songs to reappear too frequently in your randomizer playlist).

by pgant on Mar 17 | 10:01 am

OK Thanks. One last stupid question - why do you use the "match only check songs" criteria? Do you uncheck songs that you don't want to listen to?

by chris on Mar 17 | 10:42 am

Exactly. There are some tracks that I prefer to not have in my playlist either because they're too long or that I rarely listen to them. It's just another way to ensure that the random list remains fresh and listenable.

by pgant on Mar 17 | 10:50 am

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