
 Need genre help

Have been an ipod owner since day one and wondering if I need to adjust my genre's maybe. I have a lot of classical, jazz and then fair bit of rock, pop, oldies, classick rock and not a lot of hip hop.

So those are how my tunes are sorted by genre and I have a bunch of playlists to accomodate it. How do you guys sort your tunes and such?

I have an album called "singles" and in here I throw all the single-type tracks I by from itunes store and that I rip from my own cd's. Can anyone reccomend another approach? Many thanks.

by on Aug 14, 04 | 8:00 am


I always look up the artist at www.allmusic.com They list the genre, sub-genres, and even moods for virtually any CD there is. This is a great place to see which tracks are on each CD, plus it's a great place to grab CD cover artwork.

I like to put the genre in the genre box, and then list abbreviated sub-genres in the comments field, such as Alt, Grunge, Lo-Fi, S/S (Singer/Songwriter) etc...

Then I can use smart playlists to sort out my music. Such as Year = 1990 - 1999, and Comment contains "Alt" - This gives me a full list of all my 90's alternative music.

by Fatkid25 on May 28, 05 | 1:15 am

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