You can do this with multiple playlists. Make a smart playlist just for the rating. Make another smart playlist with the genres. Make a third playlist where you do a match all that songs are in the rating playlist AND the genres playlist.
by hondo77 on Aug 13, 04 | 1:04 pm
In this case you can do it with only one playlist:
Match ALL
Genre contains Altern
My rating is greater than 3
In other cases, you only need two, not three. For instance:
SPL 1: Match ANY
Genre is Rock
Genre is Pop
Play this SPL: Match ALL
Playlist is SPL 1
My rating is greater than 3
You can do this with multiple playlists. Make a smart playlist just for the rating. Make another smart playlist with the genres. Make a third playlist where you do a match all that songs are in the rating playlist AND the genres playlist.