
 'Real' dates- best way to find them?

Probably wishful thinking, but...

Is there a database that makes it easy to retrieve the year a song was originally released? I'd like to make smart playlists organized by decade, but I find many of my CD's are 'greatest hits,' digitally-remastered, or have been re-released years later. For example, the date for a digitally-remastered CD might be 2002, when in fact the original vinyl is from 1975.

Do I have to do my own research and entry to change the dates, or is there a database that can populate the original dates automatically?

by puckhead on May 05, 04 | 4:34 pm


i would love to know this as well.

by divinevelocity on May 08, 04 | 8:24 pm

I would suggest trying gracenote.com (cddb.com). When you enter the search, enter the Artist Name and Album name in the appropriate fields (not the "find anywhere" field. Most of the searches are in chrono-order, or are detailed enough to quickly find the original. For example, a search for Artist: Pink Floyd and Album: Dark Side of the Moon bring up the 1973 original release as the first hit. If you had another one such as a Collectors Edition, it lists that below. Hope this helps...it really shouldn't take too long.

by Cashman112 on May 10, 04 | 12:44 am

Thanks Cashman, I'll definitely take a look at gracenote.

This weekend I went through all the dates and made them 'close enough.' For example, since Dark Side of the Moon originally came out in the 1970's, I changed the year to 1975 (a couple of years from the actual date you pointed out, but good enough for my ipod purposes). I changed the dates on the songs to 1965, 1975, 1985, and 1995, based on the decade they originated. I didn't actually look up the real dates...

by puckhead on May 10, 04 | 1:47 pm

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