Best Friends Mix
Some of the biggest influences on my musical tastes in my life have been my friends -- there is so much music I first got into because it was played in their cars, at their houses or parties, on trips we took, in movies we saw, or in school together. As such, I find it a lot of fun to add my mates' initials to the comments category of songs that remind me of them, and then play the following playlist ...
Comment - contains - ABC [initials]
Last played - is not in the last - 1 mo.
Limit to - one hour
Selected by - highest rating [or just random]
Live updating
... whenever I'm away and miss that particular person, or alternately, whenever they're over visiting. Putting a Year range can also add a twist, and jog some memories.
Note: also works for ex-girlfriends, though not highly recommended :P
by nyorker on May 05 | 8:01 am
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Chris Henley: Try this guy out. He has some great stuff. http://ott ...
Chris Henley: IS this site still running? ...
Elizabeth: Now, is there a program that will put these lyrics on your Ipod? That would be genius... :D ...
Sara S: Ah, I see your point now, especially with the running example. About the only workaround there would be to make ...
vaughnn: Sara, Thank you again for your consideration! ...
vaughnn: Good question Sara! I (usually) don't listen to the iPod with it in my pocket and little ear buds plugged into ...
Sara S: I don't think you're really reading what I wrote. Maybe I'm not explaining myself well. I didn't adovcate creating a single ...
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This really sounds like it could get you into trouble. Let's hope none of your ex-es are reading!