
 Random for Work List

Smart Playlists
I'm sure I got the idea for this here, but I can't find it, sooo I thought I'd post it. Maybe it'll inspire more suggestions?

I synch my iPod at home on my Mac, but I listen to it at work. I have the dock, the AC adapter, and a small set of speakers on my desk (Tah dah! Mico-mini boom box!). I plug the speaker in thru the remote, so I've got a quick way to pause the music if the boss comes in to talk to me or if I get a soft-spoken person on the other end of the phone. The iPod sits on top of my hutch, out of the way of flying pencils ::grin::, and the remote sort of dangles where it's handy, but not obtrusive. Anyway, I just pop the iPod into it every morning and let it play.

Here's the playlist I use to keep it varied:

Random for Work - Modern

Genre - does not contains - 
   (all my spoken word/book categories)
Genre - does not contains - 
   (all my classical categories)
Genre - does not contains - 
   (all my space music/sleeping music categories)
Song Name - is not - Story 
   (I have a few Unplugged and Storyteller CDs)
Last Played - is not in the last - 5 days
   (to insure I haven't already heard it this week)

Checkboxes are:

Limit to - 9 - hours - selected by - random
Match only checked songs
Live updating


I've got a similar SP for Classical (of my 85GB of ripped files, 22GB is Classical, so I've got plenty to choose from):

Random for Work - Classical

Genre - contains - (all my classical categories)
Last Played - is not in the last - 5 days 
   (to insure I haven't already heard it this week)

Checkboxes are:
Limit to - 9 - hours - selected by - random
Match only checked songs
Live updating


I set the iPod to shuffle by song, and choose a playlist - Contemporary or Classical depending on my mood - and set it to play. It's like having my own personal radio station - songs I like, in surprise order, with no commercials! ::grin::

So, this works for me, but I'm always open to suggestions of ways I' might be able to improve this.


by on Feb 17 | 8:00 am


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