
 Soundtrack Genres

iTunes Tips
I organise my physical soundtrack CDs by name of the movie or TV show, and I keep them in a genre of "soundtrack", because the CDs as units make sense that way. I can find a physical CD easily because I know it was from the "Blah" movie.

However, this is not useful in iTunes, because a lot of the functionality of iTunes and the iPod comes from individualising tags. If I have a goth rock track from a soundtrack, with the genre "soundtrack", it won't come up in goth rock smart playlists unless I include the soundtrack genre. If you do that, you'll also get all the "Bambi", "Reservoir Dogs", "Star Wars", etc. songs. Where's the goth rock in that?

The solution: Treat each song individually. Tag each song with it's actual genre. Then add a keyword, "soundtrack" in the comments field. Now the goth rock songs from soundtracks _will_ come up in my goth rock playlist, and if you really want to look for soundtrack songs, use the keyword in the comments tag.

by japester on Feb 15 | 8:00 pm


There is also a checkbox labeled "Part of a Compilation". With this, you label each song with its corresponding album, ie. "A Life Less Ordinary", artist, and genre. Then, you can create a Smart Playlist© that looks for any song where "Compilation is set" or "Genre is Soundtrack". Label it as "Soundtracks". Sort the playlist by album name, and, voila! Instant soundtrack gratification!

by winjer2k on Feb 16 | 1:21 pm

You might want to check this out.. http://scf.usc.edu/~dwipalde/itunes.htm It allows to organize songs in groups with multiple genres. For example, "Soundtrack, Rock, Morning" can be the groups of a song.

by Dwipal Desai on Feb 27 | 5:21 pm

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