


by on Dec 31 | 7:00 pm


>>If you're only looking for a subset of songs from one playlist, especially a large one (1k songs) like you describe, why not just limit the upload to that playlist's songs?<<

But I want more songs on my Ipod than just what is in that one playlist. I have 20GB of music, and I want it all with me so I can listen to what I feel like hearing at the time, and it is not always in one paticular playlist.

I just want the Smart Playlists feature to work they way they are supposed to, and update themselves on the Ipod when I am a thousand miles from home and can't re-sync to my PC.

by FredH on Apr 19 | 3:24 pm

Consider yourself validated FredH. I feel the same way.

by davepmiller on Apr 19 | 9:43 pm


Thank you once again for posing the brainteasing question. Have you tried using the check boxes?

You could open iTunes, check only the songs on BigList, then set up a SPL with "last played not within 14 days," "limit to 300 songs" and "selected by least recently played." Synch that to the iPod, then leave iTunes be.

Then every time you played the playlist on the iPod it would be updated to drop the songs from the last two weeks. You could go for years without synching up and keep cycling through the BigList songs.


by talking_animal on May 30 | 7:48 pm
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