There isn't an easy way to do this. Some people have experimented with applescripts to simulate a radio station rotation, but the solutions I've seen do not include multiple plays of a single song. They just play more high rated songs than low rated.
by David F. Bills on Dec 30 | 9:33 pm
Clarification: I did not mean that a song with 5-star rating would play 5 times in a row, just that a song with such rating would play 5 times as often compared to a song with 1-star rating.
If as you said: "radio station rotation solution" that plays "more high rated songs than low rated songs" exists, I would be definitely interested!
Restriction, however: I'm running iTunes on WinXP.
by migao on Dec 31 | 5:24 am
Unfortunately, the solution I was talking about requires AppleScript, which is unavailable on WinXP.
I'm sure someone will come up with a way to manipulate playlists in iTunes on WinXP at some point, but I haven't seen it yet.
by David F. Bills on Jan 01 | 12:22 pm
Manual playlists allow you to add songs more than once. You could make a smart list for each rating 1-5. Then drag all of the files from the 5 star into a manual list 5 times. Do same 4 times with the 4 star, etc. When you add new music, wipe the manual list and drag again.
Its not a perfect solution but you will have a playlist which will play a higher rated song proportionately more.
by Mike M on Jan 03 | 11:30 pm
That would work, in fact you could create a few smart playlists for each star value and drag the contents into a regular playlist as many times as you'd like.
by David F. Bills on Jan 04 | 4:36 pm
Hmm, indeed I think this is not a perfect solution, actually I did not want to start using it. Reason: it does not update at all. While adding new songs all the time, and rating (and re-rating) always when traveling (but never when using iPod in home stereo), automatic update is absolutely needed. More suggestions thus welcome!
There isn't an easy way to do this. Some people have experimented with applescripts to simulate a radio station rotation, but the solutions I've seen do not include multiple plays of a single song. They just play more high rated songs than low rated.