
 Recently Played

Smart Playlists
This list is great for looking back on what songs were listened to for rating purposes or just to remember a song name.

Create a smart playlist:

Limit to - 100 songs - selected by - most recently played

by dfbills on Oct 07 | 8:59 pm


Isn't it great to be able to go back and see the name of a song or add a rating?

by dfbills on Oct 20 | 6:43 pm

i really *really* love this Stmartplayist. I limit it to 10 songs most of the time but if i want to see what i've listened to a while back i just add a 0 to the 10.

Anyone know why the iPod puts Recently played songs at the bottom of the list? (even when it's ranked from Most to Least) Or why it sometimes randomly puts the songs into this list??


by noname on Oct 31 | 7:49 pm

I do the same thing- only I keep mine at 100 and sync to iPod and occasionally set it higher to find a particular song.

by dfbills on Oct 31 | 8:36 pm

I've noticed the way the iPod lists songs differently to iTunes. I've asked Apple to allow playlists to sort songs and even group them by artist and album.

Why don't you drop 'em a line: http://www.apple.com/feedback/ipod.html The more people give them feedback, the faster these enhancements can be included.

by japester on Dec 07 | 7:54 am

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