There's a nice little Mac program called Playtime that will scoot through any iTunes playlist, including the full library, and tell you the total number of times you've played tracks and how much time you've spent listening to them. It's at
I just ran it on my whole library (2479 tracks). "You have played 8740 pieces for a total of 4 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes, 3 seconds." Imagine!
There are probably others, but I like this one because it's uncomplicated and also free.
This is a great little app. Too bad it won't make it through my main libary of 10,000+ tracks. Not sure if it is due to my library size, mac speed (G4 500mhz) or both.
by dfbills on Dec 02 | 12:06 am
If you really like this kind of thing, may I suggest
(That's me!)
It's really cool.
by bombcar on Jun 14 | 9:08 pm
Neat- I hadn't seen this one before.
by dfbills on Jun 15 | 10:40 am
MusicMobs is a nifty service as well...
It let me know I needed to seperate my comedy into a laughter only list.
This is a great little app. Too bad it won't make it through my main libary of 10,000+ tracks. Not sure if it is due to my library size, mac speed (G4 500mhz) or both.