I use words in the Comments field as a way to create very specific playlists. For instance, to create a constantly updating list of songs by my favorite French female pop singers I do this...
Create a Smart Playlist:
Match all the following conditions:
Comment contains Female
Comment contains French
Genre is Pop
Last Played is not in the last 1 days
Limit to 25 songs selected by random
Live updating
Since many artists/songs are cross-genre, this method can be quite useful. Adding multiple genres per artist/song to the Comments field greatly increases control.
I've just started doing this and find it very handy; I now have smart playlists for cardio and weight work in the gym adding these words to the "Comments" fields of appropriate tracks.
I've just started doing this and find it very handy; I now have smart playlists for cardio and weight work in the gym adding these words to the "Comments" fields of appropriate tracks.