
 How to Create a Smart Playlist

iTunes Tips
To create a smart playlist:

Choose “New Smart Playlist” from the File Menu.

- or -

Hold the option key and click the new playlist button (which looks like a gear) in the bottom left-hand corner.

Then, choose the criteria for iTunes to build your smart playlist.

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In Apple-speak: (from the embedded iTunes & Music Store Help)

You can choose to have a playlist automatically created from specific songs in your library using Smart Playlists. You can create a Smart Playlist that includes only certain types of music, songs with high ratings, or songs that match other criteria. For example, you could create a playlist that's no more than 5 gigabytes (GB) in size, and includes only your highest rated jazz songs.

To have iTunes add songs that match specific criteria, make sure "Match the following condition" is checked, then make your selections from the pop-up menus.

For example, you might want iTunes to only add songs that are by a particular artist, or songs with at least a four-star rating.

To add additional matching criteria, click the Add (+) button.

To make the playlist a specific duration or size, select "Limit to" and make your selections from the pop-up menus.

To include only songs that have a checkmark beside them in your library (and that match your conditions), select "Match only checked songs."

To have iTunes continually modify your Smart Playlist as songs are added to or removed from your library, make sure "Live updating" is selected.

To create your Smart Playlist, click OK, then name the playlist in the Source list.

Any songs in your library that match the settings you chose are added to the playlist. A Smart Playlist icon has a gear symbol on it.

by dfbills on Aug 08 | 11:00 pm


Old question: How do I create a playlist of just purchased music from the iTunes store? I did a search on this site, but no matter what search parameters I enter, I get 40 results, none of which match. I know this is an old subject, but I can't remember how.



by Monty Lee on May 01 | 3:45 pm

Newbie question: How do I create a smart playlist using the Comments option. For example if I want to put the comment "Romantic" by songs?

by bruce on Oct 29 | 12:16 am

Create a SPL
1.) hold down the option key (and you will see the "+" button (on the lower left of the iTunes app. change to a "*". Click it.
2.) use the key command: option/apple/n
3.) New Smart Playlist in the Edit menu.

Then in the dialog box that pops up use the drop down field to change it to "Comment" and the drop down box in the middle to change it to: "contains" ; "does not contain"; "is"; "is not"; "starts with" or "ends with", then fill in whatever you want in the empty field.

Hope that helps. I use "Comment" quite a bit for taylored SPLs. Have fun!

by Crimson on Nov 01 | 7:13 pm

Thank you very much!

by bruce on Nov 01 | 7:26 pm

Glad to help!

by Crimson on Nov 01 | 10:54 pm

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