
 The Wonderyears

Smart Playlists
BBC Radio One have a feature called The Wonderyears where they play a song from 1990, then the next from 91, then one from 92 etc. I wanted to recreate this using Smart Playlists.

Smartlists are pretty powerful, but still a bit messy, so this is a bit messy.

For every year in this list, you need a smart playlist that will select ONE song from that year. E.g.

Year is 1990.
Limit to 1 song by random.

Create lists for each year (so for my 1990 - 1999, I need ten playlists).

Then, create a master list called 'The Wonderyears' with the following rules.

Match ANY of the following
playlist is 1990
playlist is 1991
playlist is 1992

Limit to ten songs sorted by random.

This brings ten tracks back from each playlist - the limitation is that there is no way to sort by year in ascending or descending order. The playlist will be random.

If anyone knows how to hack these playlists to play in order of the year I would appreciate knowing!

by Samiad on Aug 02 | 8:00 am


Click EDIT -> View Options

Tick "Year"

Then click the "Year" heading to sort!


by webbunny on Aug 02 | 9:19 am

Doesn't work for me - I got two 1990's, two 1992's, two 1994's, two 1996's, a 1997, and a 1999.

by WiFiUser on Aug 02 | 10:43 pm

Yea, this will only work if you actually have enough music in each of the years (at least one per year).

by Samiad on Aug 03 | 10:45 am

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