
 Question Interrupted...?

hmmm...just before i hit the "SUBMIT" button I read the "Smart Playlists stop updating dynamically on iPod" statement from Apple...
sigh...well, if you have any comments on my post i'd still appreciate them! :-) ~robb

hey all!

Just bought a new 20GB Photo and I want to take it along on a two-week car trip with me. As I'm going to be away from my computer and can't sync, I'm worried that my smart playlists won't refresh.

I have my iPod to "Auto Update" all checked songs in my library all my smart playlists are:
- Limit to X - random
- Match only checked
- Live updating
-Comment contains X
-Last Played is not in the last X days

It seems that these playlists aren't dropping the "old" songs and picking up "new" songs. I thought that once you played a song, it would then NOT match the criteria for the smart playlist and be replaced by a new song.

Also, it seems that my iPod doesn't register all the songs i listen to in the "last played" column. Do you need to listen to the ENTIRE song before it counts as "played"?

What about star ratings? Will a smart playlist for 5-star songs pick up those songs that i rate on my iPod without first having to synch/update on a computer?

hmmm...just read the "Smart Playlists stop updating dynamically on iPod" statement from Apple...

by robb on Jul 19 | 5:53 pm


That "not updating" bug is quite an annoying one.

But in answer to one of your questions, yep you need to listen to the whole song for it to count as played. Or you can fast forward the song to just before the end, that also works.

by westius on Nov 13 | 11:25 pm

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