
 iTunes 4.9 with Podcast Support Released

As expected, Apple released iTunes 4.9 today. The major new features the ability to download podcasts from Apple's enormous iTunes Music Store podcast library and to sync with iPod.

More details to come...


by dfbills on Jun 28 | 12:46 pm


Re: auto-updating of smart playlists on iPod post iPod software update June 28 2005 information:

As noted elsewhere, the iPod updater released with iTunes 4.9 disables the auto-updating of smart playlists on the iPod. If like many of us you rely on that function I would recommend you DO NOT UPDATE.

If you have already updated, it is possible to reload the previous iPod software. Here is the link to the Apple discussions that will help you do that.

http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.68b35eaf/9

FYI one cool thing for those with iPod photos running v1.1 software (and all gen 3-4 iPods that supported live updating?) your podcasts are properly updated in their smart playlists without having to move podcasts from the iTunes 4.9 podcast area into to Library even though those same smart playlists may look empty or be missing the podcasts in iTunes itself.

What you are missing by NOT updating your iPod software: podcasts on the iPod won't have bookmarking ability automatically, the podcast description is not available on the iPod and the podcast list is only available under the playlist menu. Not, imo, enough to give up my iPod savvy smart playlists.

by Ms. Ryen on Jun 30 | 2:45 pm

It really is too bad that Apple thinks Podcasts are more important than playlist support and functionality.

This is, after all, an MP3 music player. Seems like they forgot why folks bought an Ipod in the first place. It wasn't for photos, or Podcasts, it was for MUSIC.

Adding new features at the expense of ruinung a good music player is just plain foolish. This looks to me like the begining of the end of the Ipod.

by FredH on Jun 30 | 3:57 pm

Totally agree, Fred. While I'm sure there a plenty of good podcasts out there, I want improvements on this the program that cause me to restart my music collection. Both my regular and smart playlist are growing longer and it would be really good if I could organize my lists in categories.

by Bakari on Jul 02 | 12:40 am

FYI, it looks like Apple has figured out they have a problem and are looking into it.

Go read this thread:

by FredH on Jul 05 | 12:36 pm

FredH: You bought *YOUR* iPod to play music on. I bought mine to play podcasts on.

by Tom Morris on Dec 08 | 6:23 pm


The Ipod is above all, a Music Player. When Apple adds new features that result in disabling Music Playing features, they deserve to be held accountable. Adding Podcasts at the expense of degrading it's main function is just plain dumb.

It would be like disabling the automatic transmission in a car so that you could add electric windows. Which would you rather have, electric windows that go up and down, or a car that actually move down the road?

by FredH on Dec 08 | 6:31 pm

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